Senin, 18 Mei 2015

The Bling Ring MTV

Emma dan pemain The Bling Ring di red carpet MTV MOVIE AWARD!! Wohooo who's excited? Emma dan pemain The Bling Ring bakalan di wawancarai mengenai film The Bling Ring. Juga bakalan ada potongan trailer di The Bling Ring yang terbaru! Check it out >>

MMA besok bakalan di mulai, tepat sehari sebelum ulang tahun
nya Emma. Udah ngevote Emma belum nih? Ayoo buruan vote Emma sebagai Best Female Performance (from The Perks of Being Wallflower), Best Kiss (with Logan Lerman) dan Best Musical Moment (with Ezra Miller and Logan Lerman, The Perks of Being Wallflower). Let's make a surprise for her gift's birthday. It will be meaningful for Emma to win her nominated. 

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